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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-25Last update of repository: 16 March 2020Fundamental'naia biblioteka Voenno-meditsinskoi akademii (Biblioteka VMedA)Otdel rukopisei i redkoi knigi [Division of Manuscripts and Rare Books] Address: 198013, St. Petersburg, Zagorodnyi prosp., 47 Telephone: +7 812 542-32-75, +7 812 259-52-36 Opening hours: M–F 10:00–17:00Head: Galina Mikhailovna Rosolik Holdings Total: 20 fonds; 2,540 units; 1710–1967 The manuscript collection consists of the fonds of institutions and individuals affiliated with the Academy. It contains materials on the history of medicine, medical education, and medical press in Russia and several foreign countries. Among eighteenth- and nineteenth-century holdings are fonds of the Military Medical Academy, the Medico-Surgical Institute, the Society of Russian Physicians in St. Petersburg, the N.I. Pirogov Russian Surgical Society, and the Russian Society of the Red Cross. There are personal papers of Russian physicians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, such as N.I. Pirogov, N.F. Zdekauer, S.P. Botkin, Hermann Boerhaave, A.P. Dianov, A.S. Zalmanov. Archival collections include scientific manuscripts, biographical records, and correspondence of N.A. Vil'iaminov, Ia.A. Chistovich, S.P. Fedorov, G.I. Turner, V.V. Oppel', M.I. Arinkin. Among the papers of A.A. Tatarinov, a member of the Russian Mission in China, are nineteenth-century manuscripts on Chinese medicine and the use of Chinese drugs. The collection contains materials relating to consultations by physicians of the Medico-Surgical Academy to members of the imperial family, including Peter the Great, Peter II, and Alexander III, as well as illnesses of other prominent figures of Russian history, such as Prince A.D. Menshikov. N.B. The general fond of the library holds reports on academic research and dissertations defended at the Academy since the middle of the eighteenth century. Working conditions: Materials are delivered to the reading room the day they are ordered. Reference facilities: Opisi have been compiled for all fonds with indexes of authors, subjects, and autographs. Copy facilities: Xerox copying facilities are available. |