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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-2Last update of repository: 16 March 2020Nauchnaia biblioteka Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova (NB MGU)Go to: • Finding Aids — Specialized Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 685-91; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 528-33; Biblioteki: Putevoditel' (1996), pp. 182-84; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 227-29 and 420-22; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 275-76; Sup. 1 (1976), p. 101. There is no published guide to the archival materials in the library. For a general description of the division with a list of private libraries held there, together with bibliography of finding aids, see Fondy red. izdanii (1990), pp. 150–54. See also the short description of the division on the MGU library website.
g-135. Redkie knigi i rukopisi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: Putevoditel' po fondam otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei. Compiled by N.V. Maslova. Edited by V.V. Mosiagin. Munich: Verlag Otto Sagner, 1991. 22 p. + 7 plates. [MGU] (Lib: DLC; MH). A short brochure giving a brief history of the formation of the division and a survey of its fonds. Of particular value is the bibliography on research work based on the holdings (pp. 21–22).
g-136. Mel'nikova, Natal'ia Nikolaevna. “Rukopisi i redkie knigi v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki.” Opyt raboty Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU 1 (1955), pp. 35–47. [IDC-in R-10,835]. A general survey of the division holdings.
g-137. Redkie knigi i rukopisi Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: Putevoditel' po vystavke. Compiled by E.S. Karpova and N.I. Safonova. Edited by N.S. Avalova. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1980. 106 p. + 16 ill. (Lib: MH). An exhibit catalogue presenting many examples of the MGU holdings of rare books and manuscripts. Slavonic-Rus' Manuscripts
g-140. Slaviano-russkie rukopisi XIII–XVII vv. v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Opisanie. Compiled by E.I. Koniukhova. Edited by A.M. Sakharov. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1964. 103 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-11,019]. A scholarly catalogue with a detailed description of each manuscript including incipits. Includes a chronological index.
g-141. Slaviano-russkie rukopisi XV–XVI vekov Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: (Postupleniia 1964–1978 godov). Compiled by N.A. Kobiak and I.V. Pozdeeva. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1981. 224 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A scholarly description of 54 fifteenth- and sixteenth-century manuscripts, most of which were gathered on MGU archeographic expeditions. Each description provides information on watermarks, decorations, miniatures, and on the condition of the text.
g-142. Slaviano-russkie rukopisi XIV–XVII vekov Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: (Postupleniia 1964–1984 godov). Compiled by N.A. Kobiak and I.V. Pozdeeva. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1986. 136 p. (Lib: DDO; DLC; IU; MH). Provides scholarly descriptions of 40 manuscripts (14th–17th cc.), most of which were found on archeographic expeditions. The appended folder contains watermark and decorative drawings together with chronological and geographic indexes.
g-143. *Shitova, G.M. “Slaviano-russkie rukopisi i kirillicheskie knigi v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova.” In Redkie fondy v nauchnykh bibliotekakh vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Problemy sokhrannosti, izucheniia i ispol'zovaniia v XXI veke, pp. 13–23. Moscow, 2002.
g-144. Peretts, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Rukopisi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta, samarskikh bibliotek i muzeia i minskikh sobranii. Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1934. 193 p. “Opisanie rukopisnykh sobranii,” vol. 3. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,349]. Describes early Slavic manuscript books held by MGU before World War II (pp. 13–29). Collected Surveys of Fonds
g-147. Rukopisnaia i pechatnaia kniga v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: (Sbornik statei). Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1973. 128 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-11,097]. A collection of articles, some describing several individual manuscripts, and others surveying personal libraries and dedicatory autographs from the libraries of I.I. Dmitriev and F.I. Buslaev.
g-148. Iz istorii fondov Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: [Vyp. 2]. Edited by E.S. Karpova. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1978. 167 p. + 16 plates. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). The collection of articles includes a survey of the manuscripts of I.S. Turgenev (pp. 72–77), a survey of graphic materials held in the library (pp. 101–108), and a brief description of 64 manuscripts found in 1973 on an archeographic expedition to Moldavia and Odessa Oblast (pp. 152–58), among other contributions.
g-149. Iz kollektsii redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: [Vyp. 3]. Edited by E.S. Karpova. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1981. 111 p. + 16 plates. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Different articles include surveys of the engravings of James Walker from the F.F. Vigel' Collection (pp. 81–89), and the retrieval of a document on A.P. Gannibal and his family (pp. 72–80). There is also a description of the marginalia by the Decembrist N.M. Murav'ev in a book by N.M. Karamzin (pp. 48–71).
g-150. Russkie pis'mennye i ustnye traditsii i dukhovnaia kul'tura (po materialam arkheograficheskikh ekspeditsii MGU 1966–1980 gg.). Edited by I.D. Koval'chenko and I.V. Pozdeeva. Moscow: MGU, 1982. 317 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Includes a detailed report on manuscript and early printed books found on archeographic expeditions, and more specialized analyses of specific materials.
g-151. Iz fonda redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: Sbornik statei: [Vyp. 4]. Edited by E.S. Karpova. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1987. 156 p. + 18 plates. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Articles devoted both to individual manuscripts and selected collections in the library, include surveys of the personal libraries and archives of such prominent Russian scholars as T.N. Granovskii, S.M. Solov'ev, and N.K. Gudzii. There is also a survey of the manuscripts and early printed books acquired by MGU during the 1980s.
g-152. Iz fonda redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: Sbornik statei: [Vyp. 5]. Edited by S.O. Shmidt. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1993. 256 p. (Lib: DLC; MH). Articles include survey descriptions of the library collections of T.N. Granovskii, O.M. Bodianskii, and V.V. Velichko; the collection of Old Believer manuscripts and early imprints from the village of Samodurovka (now Belogorno); the archives of E.I. Sokolov and P.N. Kudriavtsev; and an inventory of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century documents from the archive of the Ievlev family. A special section summarizes library accessions during the years 1984–1989.
g-153. Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniia. Arkhivy: Iz fondov biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta [Sbornik statei]: [Vyp. 6]. Edited by G.A. Kosmolinskaia. Moscow: “Arkheograficheskii tsentr”, 1997. 316 p. + plates. [Rossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Nauchnyi Fond] (Lib: DLC; MH). In addition to several research articles and documentary publication, the collection includes scholarly descriptions by N.A. Kobiak of 77 Old Believer manuscripts (16th–20th cc.) from the Nizhnii Novgorod region held by MGU (pp. 268–304) and a survey of acquisitions from recent MGU archeographic expeditions (1990–1994).
g-154. Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniia. Arkhivy: Iz fonda Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei: [Vyp. 7]. Edited by I.L. Velikodnaia. Moscow: Indrik, 2004. 415 p. [NB MGU] (Lib: DLC; MH). A collection of research articles and documentary publication contain description of fonds of the Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts.
g-155. * Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniia. Arkhivy: Iz fonda Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU: K 60-letiiu obrazovaniia Otdela: [Vyp. 8]. Moscow: Vodolei Publishers, 2008. 316 p. Old Believers Records
g-158. Denisov, Nikolai Grigor'evich; and Smilianskaia, Elena Borisovna. Staroobriadchestvo Bessarabii: knizhnost' i pevcheskaia kul'tura. Moscow: Indrik, 2007. 432 p. [NB MGU; MGK] (Lib: DLC; MH). See catalogue of Old Believers records of MGU Scientific Library in part 2: “Rukopisi staroobriadtsev Bessarabii i Beloi Krinitsy: Katalog Bessarabskogo sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU,” pp. 131–380.
g-159. Mir staroobriadchestva. Edited by I.V. Pozdeeva and E.B. Smilianskaia. 2 vols. Moscow, 1992–1995. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). The first volume comprises papers from the conference “Traditional Book Culture and Culture of Russian Old Believers: 25 years of MGU Field Research” (Moscow, 25–26 January 1992). Of particular importance is the comprehensive bibliography of related publications during that period (pp. 127–37). The second volume includes several general studies, including a survey of Moscow Old Believer necropolises and the materials on the history of the Rogozhskaia Old Believer community in the RGB Manuscript Division (G–1, fond 246). Early Cyrillic Imprints
g-164. Erofeeva, Valentina Ivanovna; Pozdeeva, Irina Vasil'evna; and Shitova, Galina Mikhailovna. Kirillicheskie izdaniia. XVI vek–1641 god: Nakhodki arkhegraficheskikh ekspeditsii 1971–1993 gg. postupivshie v Nauchnuiu biblioteku Moskovskogo universiteta. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 2000. 417 p. (Lib: DLC; MH). A catalogue of 375 Cyrillic printed books (1553–1641).
g-165. Kashkarova, Inna Danilovna; Lerenman, Maiia Mikhailovna; and Pozdeeva, Irina Vasil'evna. Katalog knig kirillicheskoi pechati XV–XVII vekov Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1980. 360 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A scholarly catalogue (in original orthography) of the unique collection of 683 Cyrillic printed books, which includes imprints from all the famous printing houses of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Greek Manuscripts
g-168. Fonkich, Boris L'vovich. Grecheskie rukopisi Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. Katalog. Edited by I.L. Velikodnaia. Moscow, 2006. 96 p. [NB MGU] (Lib: MH). See also the earlier article of Fonkich B.L. with scholarly description of four Greek manuscripts: “Grecheskie rukopisi Biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta,” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1967, no. 4, pp. 95–103. Oriental Manuscripts
g-170. Zaitsev, Il'ia Vladimirovich. Arabskie, persidskie i tiurkskie rukopisi Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova: Katalog. Edited by D.A. Morozov. Moscow: Izd-vo “Rudomino”, 2006. 157 p. + 40 ill. [NB MGU; IV RAN] “Islamskie rukopisi iz sobraniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii. Moskva.” Detailed description of Arabic, Persian, and Turkic manuscripts in MGU Scientific Library.
g-171. Kleinman, Galina Aleksandrovna. “Vostochnye fondy Nauchnoi biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova.” In Vostokovednye fondy krupneishikh bibliotek Sovetskogo Soiuza, pp. 202–18. Moscow, 1963. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-10,664]. The main part of the article is devoted to published books and other materials. For a review of the Oriental manuscripts, see pp. 212–16. Polish Rare Books and Manuscripts
g-174. *Siess-Kzhishkovskii, Stanislaw; and Velikodnaia, Irina Leonidovna. Pol'skie redkie knigi i rukopisi v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova: Katalog/Polskie ksiÄ
żki i rękopisy w zbiorach Biblioteki Naukowej Państwowego Uniwersytetu im. M.W. Lomonosowa w Moskwie. Moscow: NB MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2005. 35 p. + [1] ill. [MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova. Biblioteka Naukowa; Istytut Polski w Moskwie] (Lib: DLC; MH; RGB). Includes bibliographical references (p. 35–36). MGU Library History
g-177. Sorokin, Viktor Vasil'evich. Istoriia biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta (1800–1917 gg.). Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1980. 254 p. (Lib: MH). A scholarly study of the history of the library with mention of many of the major collections acquired after the 1812 fire.
g-178. Khar'kova, A.M.; and Lesokhina, E.I. Istoriia biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta, 1917–1949. Edited by V.I. Zlobin. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1981. 129 p. (Lib: DLC; MH). A scholarly study of the history of the library with mention of many of the major collections acquired after 1917.
g-179. Penchko, Nina Aleksandrovna. Biblioteka Moskovskogo universiteta s osnovaniia do 1812 goda. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1969. 162 p. “Istoriia biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta 1755–1967.” (Lib: MH). A scholarly study of the early history of the library with considerable bibliography and with mention of many of the collections lost in 1812.
g-180. Penchko, Nina Aleksandrovna. “Rabota Biblioteki nad rukopisiami po istorii Moskovskogo universiteta.” Opyt raboty Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU 1 (1955), pp. 19–34. (Lib: IU) [IDC-in R-10,835]. A survey of archival materials on the history of Moscow State University held in the library fonds. Personal Archival Fonds
g-184. Lebedev, Vladimir Dmitrievich. “Lichnye arkhivnye fondy Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU.” Otechestvennye arkhivy, 2009, no. 5, pp. 67–74. Brief description of some personal fonds of academics held in the Division of rare books and manuscripts. Finding Aids — Specialized:
g-190. Early Printed Cyrillic Books. Leiden: IDC, 200?. Microfiche edition. Collection consists of 109 rare or otherwise valuable Belorussian and Ukrainian books printed in the 17th c. See more details at:
g-191. Ancient Slavic Manuscripts from the Moscow State University Library. New York: Norman Ross Publishing, 1998–. Microfiche edition. With printed guide. A microfiche collection of selected Slavic manuscripts. The initial offering includes 21 manuscripts (13th–16th cc.). The printed guide provides minimal descriptive data in chronological listings with entries in Russian and English. Slavonic-Rus' Books and Manuscripts
g-192. Rukopisi Verkhokam'ia XV–XX vv. iz sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova: Katalog. Compiled by E.A. Ageeva, N.A. Kobiak, T.A. Kruglova and E.B. Smilianskaia. Moscow: Tsimeliia, 1994. 459 p. Introduction by I.V. Pozdeeva. (Lib: DLC; MH). A scholarly catalogue with descriptions of more than 350 Old Believer manuscripts.
g-193. Slavianskaia uchebnaia biblioteka O.M. Bodianskogo. Katalog. Compiled by L.I. Aristova. Edited by V.P. Gudkov. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 2000. 335 p. “Iz sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki MGU.” Catalogue of the library of O.M. Bodianskii (2,349 volumes) holding in Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts.
g-193.1. Pashaeva, N.M. “Slavianskaia biblioteka O.M. Bodianskogo.” Sovetskoe slavianovedenie, 1982, no. 1, pp. 94–103. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A survey of the library collection of the Slavonic philologist, O.M. Bodianskii, collected during his travels abroad in the late 1830s and early 1840s (2,349 volumes). Some of the books have dedicatory autographs and owner inscriptions.
g-194. Kobiak, N.A. “Opisanie rukopisei XVI–XX vv. Nizhegorodskoi knizhnoi kollektsii biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta.” In Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniia. Arkhivy: Iz fondov biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta [Sbornik statei]: [Vyp. 6], edited by G.A. Kosmolinskaia, pp. 268–304. Moscow: “Arkheograficheskii tsentr”, 1997. Latin Imprints and Manuscripts
g-195. Ganina, N.A.; and Skvairs, E.R. “Kollektsiia dokumentov Gustava Shmidta v sobranii Moskovskogo universiteta. Opisanie fonda.” In Rukopisi. Redkie izdaniia. Arkhivy: Iz fonda Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei: [Vyp. 7], edited by I.L. Velikodnaia, pp. 7–50. Moscow: Indrik, 2004. Annotated description of the collection (fond 40) including Latin, German, Old Jewish manuscripts.
g-196. Mokretsova, Inna Pavlovna. “Rukopisnaia Bibliia XIII v. iz Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta.” Pamiatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia: Ezhegodnik za 1974 god (1975), pp. 354–68. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-14,784]. Describes a thirteenth-century Latin Bible of French provenance on parchment, with elaborate illuminations. Iconographic Materials
g-197. Kuibysheva, Ksana Semenovna; and Safonova, Natal'ia Ivanovna. Akvareli dekabrista Petra Ivanovicha Borisova. Moscow: “Iskusstvo”, 1986. 552 p. + plates. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).
g-198. Saprykina, Natal'ia Gansovna. Kollektsiia portretov sobraniia F.F. Vigelia: Graviura i litografiia XVIII–pervoi poloviny XIX veka: Annotirovannyi katalog. Edited by E.S. Karpova. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1980. 192 p. + 41 ill. (Lib: IU). A catalogue of portrait engravings (17th to early 19th c.) and lithographs (mid-19th c.) from the collection of F.F. Vigel' (1786–1856), who served in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MGAMID), including rare (some unique) works by Russian and foreign masters, as well as portraits of state and public figures in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Russia.
g-199. Kashutina, E.S.; and Saprykina, N.G. Ekslibris v sobranii Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Al'bom-katalog. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1985. 220 p. + ill. (Lib: DLC; MH). Personal Libraries
g-200. Safonova, N.I. “Lichnye biblioteki v sobranii Otdela redkikh knig i rukopisei Nauchnoi biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo MGU.” In Rukopisnaia i pechatnaia kniga v fondakh Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta: (Sbornik statei), pp. pp. 74–91. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1973. Brief description of 41 personal libraries from the Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts. |