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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-78Last update of repository: 15 March 2020Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi arkhitekturno-stroitel'nyi universitet (SPbGASU)Arkhiv [Archive] Opening hours: MTuTh 14:30–18:00, F 14:30–17:00 Head: Tamara Konstantinovna Chelysheva Holdings Total: 3 fonds; 107,150 units; 1919–1986 The archive retains the postrevolutionary records of the University and its predecessor institutions—the Leningrad Institute of Civil Engineers, the Leningrad Institute of Communal Construction, the Leningrad Institute of Communal Construction Engineers, and the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Construction. Documentation covers teaching and research work, structural subdivisions (various departments and academic councils), reports on subjects of scientific research, manuscript candidate and doctoral dissertations, and personnel files on the staff. Fonds for the records of the Practical Communal Academy (Prakticheskaia kommunal'naia akademiia), the Higher Courses in Communal Economy (Vysshie kursy kommunal'nogo khoziaistva), and the Leningrad Institute of Communal Facilities Engineers (Leningradskii institut inzhenerov kommunal'nogo khoziaistva) contain personal files of the students and others in attendance. Working conditions: Researchers are accommodated in the archive working rooms. Files are available the day they are ordered. The archive is prepared to process socio-legal inquiries from private individuals. Reference facilities: There are inventories of the fonds, card catalogues of scientific-technical documentation and personnel files. There is also a card catalogue of dissertations. |