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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-16

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga (TsGIA SPb)

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Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 416-18; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 318-21; Arkhivy SPb (1998), pp. 9-12; Peterburg (1992), p. 243; GA Spravochnik (1989), pp. 287-91; G&K Spravochnik (1983), p. 68; RSFSR Spravochnik (1980), pp. 49-52; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 370-72; Sup. 1 (1976), p. 147; Begunov, Sprav.-ukaz. (1963), p. 109.

The TsGIA SPb website has an electronic list of all fonds and opisi at:

d-129. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga: Putevoditel'. Compiled by I.L. Glushkevich, N.V. Kolyshnitsyna, I.A. Mamina and N.F. Nikol'tseva. 2 vols. St. Petersburg: Viktoriia plius, 2009. 576 p. 560 p. [TsGIA SPb].
Electronic edition:

d-130. Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Leningradskoi oblasti: Kratkii putevoditel'. Compiled by A.K. Gorfunkel' and L.E. Strel'tsova. Edited by P.V. Vinogradov. Leningrad, 1960. 107 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,944].

A short guide with lists of holdings in different categories but no description or bibliography. Now substantially outdated by archival transfers and recent declassification of many fonds.

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Finding Aids —  Specialized:

For sources relating to the Russian Orthodox Church, see Ist. RPTs (1995), pp. 193–221. For a list of Jewish-related holdings, see Dok. ist. evreev (1994), pp. 92–93, and Jewish Doc. (1996), pp. 57–59.

d-131. Łopaciński, Wincenty. “Akta Rzymsko-Katolickiego Kollegium Duchownego w Peterburgu, dotyczące powstania listopadowego.” Archeion 10 (1932), pp. 59–93. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-11,292 mf. 26-28].

Surveys materials relating to the Polish uprising of 1831, which are held in the records of the prerevolutionary Roman Catholic Seminary (fond 46).

d-132. Łopaciński, Wincenty. “Akta Rzymsko-Katolickiego Kollegium Duchownego w Peterburgu, dotyczące spraw unickich.” Archeion 13 (1935), pp. 102–20. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-11,292 mf. 34-37].

Describes materials relating to the Uniate Church, which are held in the records of the prerevolutionary Roman Catholic Seminary (fond 46).

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