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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-28

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Tsentral'naia kinostudiia detskikh i iunosheskikh fil'mov im. M. Gor'kogo

Muzei studii
[Studio Museum]

Telephone: +7 499 181-06-39

Website: http://www.museum.ru/M1710

Opening hours: M–F 10:00–17:00 (by appointment)


Total: statistics not available

The museum holds documents about the history of the first Russian film studio. There are scenarios and photographs dating as early as 1915. Of special interest are documents concerning the work of German emigrant producers who lived in the USSR during the Nazi period (1933–1945).
        There are several separate fonds of well-known Russian film directors, screen writers, and other specialists who worked at the studio during different periods—S.A. Gerasimov (1906–1985), V.M. Shukshin (1929–1974), and M.S. Donskoi (1901–1981), among others.

N.B. Some archival materials from the studio were transferred to TsGALI SSSR (now RGALI—B–7), and copies of documentary films were given to the documentary film archive (RGAKFD—B–11) in Krasnogorsk.

Working conditions:
Researchers are received in working offices.

Reference facilities:
There are card catalogues of personalia and motion pictures and opisi of several major fonds.

Copy facilities:
Xerox copying facilities are available, and copies of film can be ordered through the film studio laboratory.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted