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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-1Last update of repository: 16 March 2020Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Departament po obespecheniiu deiatel'nosti arkhiva Prezidenta Upravleniia informatsionnogo i dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniia Prezidenta RF) (AP RF)[Archive of the President of the Russian Federation (Department Responsible for the Activities of the Archive of the President of the Administration of Information and Documentary Support of the President)]Agency: Administratsiia Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Administration of the President of the Russian Federation] Address: 103012, Moscow, Nikol'skii per., 4 Telephone: +7 495 606-13-33 Fax: +7 495 606-19-66 Website: (Administration of Information and Documentary Support) Transport: metro: Kitai-gorod, Lubianka, Ploshchad' Revoliutsii Head of the Department: Aleksandr Sergeevich Stepanov (tel. +7 495 606-13-33) Head of the Administration of Information and Documentary Support of the President: Sergei Nikolaevich Osipov About AP RF In December 1991 a single Archive of the President of the RF was formed for the purpose of organizing the preservation and use of the documents of the President of the RF and his Administration. Before July 1990, the archive was part of the archive of the General Department of the CPSU Central Committee (Sektor VI) and contained the records of the highest CP organs—the Politburo and Presidium of the Central Committee, congresses, plenums, and conferences of the CC CPSU, dating from 1919 to 1990. In the summer of 1998, the archive was reorganized as a division of the Administration of Information and Documentary Responsibilities of the President (Otdel po obespecheniiu deiatel'nosti arkhiva Prezidenta Upravleniia informatsionnogo i dokumentatsionnogo obespecheniia Prezidenta RF). AP RF includes four categories of records. The first consists of documents created in the process of B.N. Yeltsin’s functions as President of the RSFSR and of the RF, and in the operation of structural subdivisions of the Presidential Administration. The second historical complex of the archive consists of records created in the process of official functions of M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR and of structural subdivisions of his administration. The third complex of archival materials consists of the records of the highest organs of the All-Russian Communist Party and the CPSU (VKP[b]–KPSS) from 1919 to 1991 (including Party congresses from 1952–1986 and Central Committee plenums from 1944 to 1990), and of the Politburo CC from 1919 to 1990, the Secretariat, the CC Presidium, and of subordinated CP organs. The fourth category consists of the personal papers of approximately forty of the highest state and party leaders. |