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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-72

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Moskovskii literaturnyi muzei-tsentr K.G. Paustovskogo

Previous names
1987–1994   Literaturnyi muzei-tsentr K.G. Paustovskogo
[K.G. Paustovskii Literary Museum-Center]
1982–1987   Narodnyi muzei K.G. Paustovskogo
[K.G. Paustovskii People's Museum]
1975–1982   Narodnyi shkol'nyi muzei K.G. Paustovskogo
[K.G. Paustovskii People's School Museum]
The K.G. Paustovskii Moscow Literary Museum Center, with exhibits honoring the Russian writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovskii (1892–1968), began its existence as a school museum in 1975. In 1982 it was reorganized as a “People’s Museum,” and was thereafter housed in the so-called “Grey Dacha”—a monument of wooden architecture of the eighteenth century, which was part of a former Golitsyn family estate that unfortunately had been rather hastily reconstructed. The museum received government status in 1987 and was renamed the K.G. Paustovskii Literary Museum Center. Its present name dates from August 1994. Since August 1997 the museum has been located on the territory of the Kuz'minki-Liublino Nature and Historico-Recreational Complex.
N.B. A fond for papers of K.G. Paustovskii has been established in RGALI (B–7), but contains only a few incoming and outgoing letters.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted