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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-250

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Vserossiiskii muzei A.S. Pushkina (VMP)

Access & Facilities

Access to the archival holdings requires an official letter from the researcher's sponsoring institution or a personal letter of application addressed to the director of the museum stating the subject and aim of the proposed research.

Working conditions
Researchers are accommodated in the working rooms of the Fonds Division, where materials are available the day they are ordered.

Copy facilities
Photographic and xerox copies can be prepared.

Reference facilities
There are inventories of documents and a catalogue of personal names. The application of archival rules to the arrangment of documents was introduced in 1991.

Library facilities
The Book Fond of the museum, which was founded in 1954 on the basis of books from Pushkinskii Dom, includes duplicates of books from Pushkin's personal library; part of the library of the Imperial Alexander Lyceum (transferred in the 1960s from the library of the Gor'kii State University in Sverdlovsk, and in 1985 from the Leningrad Branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR); books from the collections of N.I. Novikov and the Turgenev brothers; and the collections of L.V. Gubar, S.L. Markov, and V.A. Krylov. There are approximately 70,000 volumes of publications on Pushkin and his contemporaries. There is a card catalogue of Pushkiniana and a card catalogue for publications by the museum staff, as well as several facts-and-figures files.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted