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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-228

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Letnii sad i dvorets-muzei Petra I—Filial Russkogo muzeia

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1925–1934   Letnii dvorets Petra I—Filial Istoriko-bytovogo otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo muzeia
[Summer Palace of Peter I—Branch of the Historical Daily-Life Division of the State Russian Museum]
The Summer Palace of Peter I, an architectural monument of the Petrine period (designed by Domenico Trezzini and Andreas Schlüter, 1710–1714), was used for historical and art exhibitions at the turn of the twentieth century. After the October Revolution the Palace and the Summer Gardens were put under state protection. From 1923 to 1925 a so-called historical daily-life museum was housed in the halls of the palace, which from 1925 to 1934 was administratively a branch of the Historical Daily-Life Division of the State Russian Museum (H–236) and was used for exhibition purposes. In 1934 it became an independent historical daily-life memorial museum devoted to the times of Peter I. Its affiliated branch—the Little House of Peter I (Domik Petra I)—became a museum in 1930 (197046, St. Petersburg, Petrovskaia naberezhnaia, 6; tel. +7 812 595-42-48; webpage: http://www.museum.ru/M161). Following the German invasion in 1941 most of the exhibits were removed, but the Summer Palace suffered under artillery bombardment during the war. It was opened to the public again in 1947.

N.B. A large part of the museum records for the years 1939–1975 are held in TsGALI SPb (D–18, fond 339 [9560]).

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted