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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-227

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi khudozhestvenno-arkhitekturnyi dvortsovo-parkovyi muzei-zapovednik “Tsarskoe Selo” (Pushkin, Leningrad Oblast) (GMZ “Tsarskoe Selo”)

Access & Facilities

A letter to the director is required for access to the archival materials and the library, stating the subject and purpose of research.

Working conditions
Researchers are accommodated in working premises; materials are generally available the day they are ordered.

Copy facilities
Photographic and xerox copies can be prepared.

Reference facilities
There are inventory opisi and official card catalogues for staff use (personal names and subjects), as well as other supplementary card catalogues.

Library facilities
The palace library was dispersed and/or destroyed during World War II, although a large part of it was sold abroad earlier. The museum library (9,000 vols.) was formed in 1969 and contains books on the history of art and culture. There is a card catalogue of rare imprints.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted