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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-7

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut vostokovedeniia RAN (IV)

Previous names
1960–1969   Institut narodov Azii AN SSSR (INA)
[Institute of the Peoples of Asia]
1956–1960   Institut kitaevedeniia AN SSSR
[Institute of Chinese Studies]
1930–1960; 1969–1991   Institut vostokovedeniia AN SSSR (IV AN SSSR / IVAN)
[Institute of Oriental Studies]
1934–1950   Tikhookeanskii institut
[Institute of the Pacific Ocean]
1928–1930   Tiurkologicheskii kabinet AN SSSR
[Turkological Cabinet]
1928–1930   Institut buddiiskoi kul'tury
[Institute of Buddhist Culture]
1921–1930   Kollegiia vostokovedov AN SSSR
[Collegium of Orientalists]
1818–1930   Aziatskii muzei
[Asiatic Museum]
The Institute of Oriental Studies was established in 1930 on the basis of the Asiatic Museum, which had been founded in St. Petersburg under the Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1818, and came under the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1918. It also absorbed the Collegium of Orientalists and the Turkological Cabinet (Kabinet), both of the Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Buddhist Culture. The Institute headquarters was moved to Moscow in 1950, while the Sector for Oriental Manuscripts remained in Leningrad; that Sector became the Leningrad Division in 1956 (LOIV AN). In 1950 the Institute absorbed the Institute of the Pacific Ocean, which had been established in Moscow in 1934. In 1960, the Institute was combined with the Institute of Chinese Studies and was subsequently reorganized as the Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the same year. The Institute was returned to its earlier name—the Institute of Oriental Studies—in 1969. Rich collections of Oriental manuscripts and the extensive Archive of Orientalists are held in the St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (IVR, former Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, SPbF IV—see E–30).

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