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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-10

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut gosudarstva i prava RAN (IGP)

Previous names
1960–1991   Institut gosudarstva i prava AN SSSR (IGPAN)
[Institute of State and Law]
1938–1960   Institut prava AN SSSR im A.Ia. Vyshinskogo
[A.Ia. Vyshinskii Institute of Law]
1936–1938   Institut gosudarstvennogo prava AN SSSR
[Institute of State Law]
1930–1936   Institut sovetskogo stroitel'stva i prava
[Institute of Soviet Construction and Law]
1923–1930   Institut sovetskogo prava Rossiiskoi Assotsiatsii nauchno-issledovatel'skikh institutov obshchestvennykh nauk
[Institute of Soviet Law of the Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes in the Social Sciences]
1925–1936   Institut sovetskogo stroitel'stva (ISS)
[Institute of Soviet Construction]
The Institute owes its origins to the Cabinet (Kabinet) of Publications and Materials on Soviet Construction, opened in autumn 1922 under the Socialist (after 1923 Communist) Academy. In 1925 that office became the basis for the official opening of the Institute of Soviet Construction (ISS). In 1930 the Institute was merged with the Institute of Soviet Law of the Russian Association of Scientific Research Institutes in the Social Sciences (RANION), and renamed the Institute of Soviet Construction and Law. After the Communist Academy was abolished in 1936, the Institute came under the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, as the Institute of State Law. In 1950, the Institute was briefly named in honor of A.Ia. Vyshinskii, and was subsequently renamed several times. Since 1960 it has been known as the Institute of State and Law.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted