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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-30

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Otdel populiarizatsii ob"ektov kul'turnogo naslediiai i khraneniia dokumentirovannoi informatsii (vedomstvennyi arkhiv) Komiteta po gosudarstvennomu kontroliu, ispol'zovaniiu i okhrane pamiatnikov istorii i kul'tury Sankt-Peterburga (Arkhiv KGIOP)

Previous names
1988–1997   Ob"edinennyi vedomstvennyi arkhiv Upravleniia Gosudarstvennoi inspektsii po okhrane pamiatnikov istorii i kul'tury (UGIOP)
[Consolidated Agency Archive of the Administration of the State Inspection for the Preservation of Monuments of History and Culture]
1944–1988   Gosudarstvennaia inspektsiia po okhrane pamiatnikov Leningrada Glavnogo arkhitekturno-planirovochnogo upravleniia Leningradskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudiashchikhsia—Nauchno-arkhitekturnyi kabinet (GIOP GlavAPU)
[State Inspection for the Preservation of Monuments of Leningrad of the Leningrad Main Architectural-Planning Administration of the Leningrad City Soviet of Workers’ Deputies—Scientific-Architectural Office]
Established in 1944, the Administration of the State Inspectorate for the Preservation of Monuments is a successor to the first state agency for preservation of monuments—the Department on Museums and Preservation of Monuments of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Union of Communes of the Northern Oblast, which was established in Petrograd in March 1918. In 1921 the Department was reorganized into the Petrograd Division of the Main Museum Administration (Glavmuzei) of the Petrograd Branch of the Main Administration of Scientific, Museums, and Scientific-Art Institutions (Glavnauka). From 1922 was named the Division of Museums and Preservation of Monuments of the People’s Commissariat of Education. In 1938 it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Administration of Arts.
        In November 1943 the City Administration on Architecture was organized, and in 1944, within its structure, the State Inspectorate for the Preservation of Monuments (GIOP). In 1988 the Main Administration for Preservation, Restoration, and Use of Monuments of History and Culture (GlavUOP) was established, and GIOP was reorganized into the subordinate Administration of State Inspection for the Preservation of Monuments of History and Culture (UGIOP). In September 1990, when the Administration was made independent and its parent organization abolished, its functions were transferred to the Committee for Management of City Property (KUGI) of the St. Petersburg Mayor’s Office. It was subsequently reorganized as the State Committee with its present name, starting in 1996, under the Administration of St. Petersburg.
        Manuscript materials have been concentrated in the archive of the Administration (now the Committee) since 1938.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted