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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-12

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Arkhivno-informatsionnyi otdel (Ob''edinennyi arkhiv) Upravleniia zapisi aktov grazhdanskogo sostoianiia Pravitel'stva Moskvy (Arkhiv ZAGS Moskvy)


Total: over 25,000,000 records, 1906–1995

The archive holds records of vital statistics for the last seventy-five years for the city of Moscow and parts of Moscow Oblast that were part of the city during various periods.

N.B. Earlier prerevolutionary parish registers and other related demographic records have been transferred to the Moscow city archives (see TsGA Moskvy—D–1, holdings of former TsAGM and TsIAM).

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted