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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-5

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota, Gatchina—Filial Tsentral'nogo arkhiva Ministerstva oborony RF

[Archive of the Navy in Gatchina—Branch of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense]

Agency: Arkhivnaia sluzhba Ministerstva oborony Rossiiskoi Federatsii
[Archival Service of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation]
General'nyi shtab Voenno-Morskogo Flota RF
[General Staff of the Navy of the Armed Forces]

Address: 188300, Leningradskaia Oblast, Gatchina, Krasnoarmeiskii prosp., 2; General Staff: 103175, Moscow, K-175

Telephone: +7 813 719-48-81, +7 813 719-44-76, +7 813 719-39-93

Opening hours: M–F 8:20–16:40

Transport: suburban train from Baltic or Varshavskii Station to Gatchina

Chief: Igor Vladimirovich Shchetin (tel. +7 813 719-48-81)

Deputy Chief: Mikhail Alekseevich Levkin (tel. +7 813 719-44-76)

Based in Gatchina since 1961 and subordinate to the Chief of the Navy General Staff, the Archive serves as the central repository for all post-1941 naval records. The Archive holds the records of central administrative agencies—fonds of the Navy General Staff, the Main Administration of the People’s Commissariat of the Navy, and the Ministry of the Navy—as well as those of staffs and commanders of fleets and flotillas, as well as various formations, military units, ships, and other institutions subordinate to them, all fleets and flotillas, naval units, research and educational institutions, naval ports, shipbuilding and other enterprises, and naval hydrographic and scientific expeditions, dating from 1941 to the present. The Archive is one of the largest repositories in the country for records of the World War II.

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