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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-9

Last update of repository: 2 December 2020

Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv nauchno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii (RGANTD)

Previous names
1992–VI.1995   Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi nauchno-tekhnicheskii arkhiv (RGNTA)
[Russian State Scientific-Technical Archive]
1967–1992   Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv nauchno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii SSSR (TsGANTD SSSR)
[Central State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation of the USSR]
1992–VI.1995   Rossiiskii nauchno-issledovatel'skii tsentr kosmicheskoi dokumentatsii (RNITsKD)
[Russian Scientific Research Center for Space Documentation]
1990–VI.1992   Nauchno-issledovatel'skii tsentr kosmicheskoi dokumentatsii SSSR (NITsKD SSSR)
[Scientific Research Center for Space Documentation of the USSR]
1974–1990   Nauchno-issledovatel'skii tsentr tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii SSSR (NITsTD SSSR)
[Scientific Research Center for Technical Documentation of the USSR]
As presently organized RGANTD was established and renamed in 1995 in Moscow on the basis of the consolidation of three earlier repositories—the Russian State Scientific-Technical Archive (RGNTA) in Samara (formerly Kuibyshev), the RGNTA Branch in Moscow, and the Russian Scientific Research Center for Space Documentation (RNITsKD).
        The predecessor of RGNTA was established as TsGANTD SSSR in 1967 in Moscow under Glavarkhiv SSSR (according to a decree of 1964) on the basis of the Scientific-Technical Division of the Central State Archive of the National Economy (TsGANKh SSSR, now RGAE—B–6). In 1976 most of the records of TsGANTD SSSR were transferred to a specially constructed new building in Kuibyshev (since 1991, Samara), while a branch archive remained in Moscow and, until the 1995 reorganization, functioned as a temporary depository for records, most of which were eventually intended for transfer to Samara (earlier Kuibyshev).
        The predecessor of RNITsKD was established in 1974 under Glavarkhiv SSSR as a special repository and research center for space documentation earlier held by various agency archives. Before 1990, it was a secret facility, but was then renamed the Scientific Research Center for Space Documentation (NITsKD) and opened for limited public research.

        Following the 1995 reorganization RGNTA was renamed the Russian State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (RGANTD), and its headquarters became the building of the former separate RNITsKD for Space Documentation on Profsoiuznaia ulitsa. After the separate RGNTA Moscow Branch was abolished, a few of its holdings were transferred to Samara to complete fonds already established there, but the rest were moved to the consolidated RGANTD facility in Moscow. In 1995 the former RGNTA repository in Samara became administratively a branch of the Moscow archive, although retained the primary concentration of scientific-technical documentation from former All-Union and now Russian Federation institutions. In October 2016 the Samara branch of RGANTD was transformed into an independent Russian State Archive in Samara (B–15).

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