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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-15

Last update of repository: 3 December 2020

Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv v g. Samare (RGA v g. Samare)

[Russian State Archive in Samara]

Agency: Federal'noe arkhivnoe agentstvo Rossii (Rosarkhiv)
[Federal Archival Agency of Russia]

Address: 443096, Samara, ul. Michurina, 58

Telephone: +7 846 336-17-85

Fax: +7 846 336-17-85

Reading room: +7 846 336-23-94

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://rga-samara.ru/;  http://www.rusarchives.ru/federal/rga...

Opening hours: MWTh 9:00–16:30; Tu 9:00–19:00 (15 September–1 June), 9:00–16:30 (1 June–15 September); F 9:00–15:30 (1 October–1 May), 9:00–14:30 (1 May–1 October)

Transport: bus: 1, 14, 22, 24, 34, 41, 67; trol.: 4, 15; tram: 5, 20, 22, 23 to stop “Ploshchad' geroev 21 armii”; tram: 3, 18 to stop “Ploshchad' Pamiati”; metro: Alabinskaia

Acting Director: Mariia Aleksandrovna Vybornova (tel. +7 846 336-17-85; e-mail [email protected])

Deputy Director: Ol'ga Nikolaevna Soldatova (tel. +7 846 336-34-18; e-mail [email protected])

Acting Deputy Director: Ol'ga Iul'evna Kozyr' (tel. +7 846 336-24-51; e-mail [email protected])

Head of the Reading Room: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Ryzhkova (tel. +7 846 336-23-94; e-mail [email protected])

About RGA v g. Samare
The Russian State Archive in Samara was reorganized and renamed in 2016 as an independent federal archive under Rosarkhiv on the basis of the former Samara Branch of the State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (Filial RGANTD; for the Moscow repository, see B–9). Despite its more general name, the Samara facility remains the main federal archive for scientific and technical records, as was its function before 2016.

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