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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-27

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Sankt-Peterburgskii Institut istorii RAN (SPbII)

Access & Facilities

Access for research in the Archive should be requested by official letter from the individual or sponsoring organization, addressed to the Head of the Archive.

Library facilities
The Institute library (with over 300,000 vols.)—now officially a branch of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BAN, G–16)—grew out of the library collections of the Archeographic Commission founded in 1834. It is particularly strong in literature relating to Russian and world history and the ancillary historical disciplines. There are also the remains of the private libraries of a number of scholars including N.P. Likhachev, A.D. Liublinskaia, P.A. Mukhanov, A.A. Sivers, and S.A. Zhebelev. There are various reference card catalogues, with notations of all archeographic publications of the Soviet period and scholarly works of Institute associates. (Library tel.: +7 812 235-46-74; hours: MTuTh 10:00–17:45; e-mail: [email protected]; webpages: http://www.spbiiran.nw.ru/library/; http://www.rasl.ru/b_resours/set/spbi...).

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted