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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-292

Last update of repository: 18 November 2020

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu Kaluzhskoi oblasti

Previous names
1992–1998   Oblastnoi arkhiv po lichnomu sostavu
[Oblast Archive for the Personnel Files]
1991–1992   Mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv departamenta sel'skogo khoziaistva Kaluzhskoi oblasti
[Interdepartmental Archive of the Department of Agriculture of Kaluga Oblast]
1990–1991   Mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv Soiuza agropromyshlennykh i gosudarstvenno-kooperativnykh ob"edinenii Kaluzhskoi oblasti
[Interdepartmental Archive of the Union of Agricultural Industrial and State Cooperative Societies of Kaluga Oblast]
1988–1990   Mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv Agropromyshlennogo komiteta Kaluzhskoi oblasti
[Interdepartmental Archive of the Agricultural Industrial Committee of Kaluga Oblast]
1982–1988   Mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv Kaluzhskogo oblastnogo agropromyshlennogo ob"edineniia
[Interdepartmental Archive of the Kaluga Oblast Agricultural Industrial Society]
1978–1982   Mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv pri Upravlenii sel'skogo khoziaistva Kaluzhskogo oblispolkoma
[Interdepartmental Archive under the Administration of Agriculture of the Kaluga Oblast Executive Committee]

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