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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-0277

Last update of repository: 17 November 2020

*Otdel arkhivnogo dela Departamenta kul'tury i turizma Ivanovskoi oblasti

Previous names
2002–2010?   Upravlenie po delam arkhivov Ivanovskoi oblasti
[Administration for Archival Affairs of Ivanovo Oblast]
1992–2002   Arkhivnyi otdel Administratsii Ivanovskoi oblasti
[Archival Division of the Administration of Ivanovo Oblast]
1961–1992   Arkhivnyi otdel Ivanovskogo oblispolkoma
[Archival Division of the Ivanovo Oblast Executive Committee]
1958–1960   Arkhivnyi otdel UVD Ivanovskogo oblispolkoma (AO UVD IO)
[Archival Division of UVD of the Ivanovo Oblast Executive Committee]
1939–1958   Arkhivnyi otdel UNKVD–UMVD Ivanovskoi oblasti (AO UNKVD–UMVD IO)
[Archival Division of UNKVD–UMVD of Ivanovo Oblast]
1932–1939   Arkhivnoe upravlenie Ivanovskogo oblispolkoma
[Archival Administration of the Ivanovo Oblast Executive Committee]
1929–1932   Arkhivnoe biuro Ivanovskogo oblispolkoma
[Archival Bureau of the Ivanovo Oblast Executive Committee]
1922–1929   Arkhivnoe biuro Ivanovskogo gubispolkoma
[Archival Bureau of the Ivanovo Guberniia Executive Committee]
1919–1922   Upravlenie arkhivnym delom Ivanovo-Voznesenskogo gubernskogo otdela narodnogo obrazovaniia
[Administration for Archival Affairs of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Division of People’s Education]

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