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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-70

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi muzei V.V. Maiakovskogo (GMM)

Rukopisno-dokumental'nyi fond
[Manuscript-Documentary Fond]

Telephone: +7 495 621-03-42

Website: https://xn--80aedfjnibldycb2bv1r.xn--...


Total: 23 fonds; over 12,000 units; late 19th c.–1983
notebooks of Maiakovskii—68 units

The Manuscript-Documentary Fond, formally a sector of the museum, comprises personal papers and archival materials relating to Vladimir Maiakovskii. Here are found many of his literary manuscripts and personal papers, including 68 of his notebooks. The fond includes his correspondence with friends and relatives, with prominent personages in the world of literature and the arts, with readers and budding poets, and with organizations and institutions.
        The fond contains materials and documents relating to the study and publicizing of Maiakovskii’s works, as well as the memoirs and recollections of his contemporaries.
        The Manuscript Fond also holds the personal papers of some of Maiakovskii’s contemporaries—S.P. Bobrov, S.M. Gorodetskii, N.F. Denisovskii, V.E. Meyerhold (Meierkhol'd), P.V. Neznamov (pseud. of Lezhankin), S.Ia. Sen'kin, P.I. Chagin, V.F. Shekhtel' (nèe Tonkova). These papers contain documents and original literary manuscripts by many of the prominent figures in the Russian and Soviet art world during the first half of the twentieth century—D.D. Burliuk, V.I. Gnedov, V.A. Kaverin, B.L. Pasternak, K.A. Fedin, V.V. Khlebnikov, V.B. Shklovskii, and others.

Reference facilities:
There are subject card catalogues, but inventories have been compiled for only part of the material.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted