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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-44

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Vserossiiskoe muzeinoe ob"edinenie “Gosudarstvennaia Tret'iakovskaia galereia” (GTG)

Otdel nauchnoi informatsii i bibliografii (Nauchnaia biblioteka)
[Division of Scientific Information and Bibliography (Scientific Library)]

Address: 113184, Moscow, 1-i Kadashevskii per., 14/13, str. 7

Telephone: +7 495 953-41-85, +7 495 957-07-27 add.16-43, +7 495 953-19-06 (Sector of Rare Books)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: https://www.tretyakovgallery.ru/about...

Opening hours: MTuTh 10:00–17:00, F 10:00–15:00
Transport: metro: Tret'iakovskaia, Novokuznetskaia

Head: Zoia Pavlovna Shergina (tel. +7 495 953-41-85); e-mail [email protected]


Total: over 500,000 units
MS books—12 units (late 11th–19th cc.)

The basic collection of rare books and manuscripts in the library came from P.M. Tret'iakov’s personal library. These include early manuscripts of a mainly religious character—Gospels, liturgical books, and Psalters (13th–19th cc.), most of them with miniatures and illuminations. One unique exhibit is a choral manuscript with musical notation, known as the “Tipografskii ustav” (late 11th–early 12th cc.), with marginal drawings from daily life.
        The library also has an extensive collection (over 1,000 volumes) of printed books on prerevolutionary Russian, Soviet, and foreign art with dedicatory inscriptions by the artistsand art experts who presented them.

Working conditions:
Researchers working with manuscripts are accommodated in staff work rooms.

Reference facilities:
There are no scholarly descriptions of the manuscript books; they are described only according to library standards: general alphabetical catalogue, subject-themetical, authors, artists, reproductions, among others card catalogues. The introduction of a computerized reference system is planned.

Copy facilities:
In exceptional circumstances manuscripts may be photographed, but only without flash or auxiliary lighting.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted