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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-44

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Vserossiiskoe muzeinoe ob"edinenie “Gosudarstvennaia Tret'iakovskaia galereia” (GTG)

Otdel grafiki XX veka
[Division of Graphic Arts of the 20th Century]

Address: 117049, Moscow, ul. Krymskii val., 10

Telephone: +7 499 230-77-66

Opening hours: by appointment

Head: Natal'ia L'vovna Adaskina (tel. +7 499 230-77-66)


Total: ca. 46,000 units; 20th c.

The Division of Graphic Arts of the 20th Century is the largest section, quantitatively speaking, of the entire GTG collections, containing drawings in pencil, charcoal, various types of ink, as well as watercolors, pastels, and engravings. Of particular importance is the collection of portrait miniatures, some on parchment, others on pasteboard. There is also a small collection of posters and ex libris. Strictly speaking, most of the holdings of this division are considered art, rather than archival materials, and hence a survey is not provided here.

Reference facilities:
There are reference card catalogues.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted