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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-236

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi Russkii muzei (GRM)

Otdel graviury XVIII–XXI vv.
[Division of Engravings (18th–early 20th cc.)]

Website: http://www.rusmuseum.ru/collections/e...


Total: ca. 80,000 units; 18th c.–1917

Collections in this division embrace a wide range of prerevolutionary Russian prints and engravings. Dating from the eighteenth century, there are, for example, engravings that depict episodes during the Northern War and the building of Russia’s new capital during the reign of Peter I. There is an album of engravings showing a plan and twelve views of the city based on drawings done by M.I. Makhaev (1753). There are portrait etchings done by E.P. Chemesov of famous personages of the eighteenth century, engravings by N.I. Utkin, engraved political caricatures by A.G. Venetsianov from the Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon, and lithographs done by P.M. Boklevskii illustrating the works of Russian nineteenth-century writers.
        The graphic art collection covering the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries includes works by Alexandre Benois (Benua), Léon Bakst (pseud. of L.S. Rozenberg), N.S. Goncharova, E.E. Lansere (Lanceray), V.V. Mate (Basile Mathe), V.A. Serov, and M.A. Vrubel'. There are also works by the poets as V.V. Maiakovskii, V.V. Khlebnikov, and A.E. Kruchenykh, among others.
        The division also holds original copper plates dating from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century. These include the works of masters from the Chamber of Engravers (Graviroval'naia palata) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the personal plates of V.V. Mate (Basile Mathe) and M.A. Dobrov.

Reference facilities:
There are subject and alphabetic card catalogues, and inventory registers for staff use.

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