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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-200

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi muzei istorii Sankt-Peterburga (GMI SPb)

Fond negativov
[Fond of Negatives]

Website: https://www.spbmuseum.ru/funds/57/


Total: ca. 100,000 units; 1890s–1990s

The fond holds negatives showing the history of St. Petersburg. The collection was begun with the photographic materials of two prerevolutionary museums—the City Museum (Gorodskoi muzei), which was under the control of the City Duma, and the Museum of Old Petersburg (Muzei “Staryi Peterburg”). Later the holdings were enlarged by negatives illustrating the life of the city during the early postrevolutionary decades. Between 1932 and 1938 a fairly large number of documentary photographs were collected reflecting the economic life of the city. These included photographs of the building and reconstruction of streets and squares, the erection of new buildings, and the laying of water supplies and sewage systems. The 1930s are also reflected in the photographs taken of buildings on the main streets, as well as in the separate collections of city life made bytwo photographers, G.I. Lugovoi and Laptev.
        Military operations during the Second World War and the events of the Siege of Leningrad were recorded in the negatives of such war correspondents and photographers as B. Kudoiarov, M. Kashe, B. Utkin, and D. Trakhtenberg.
        The postwar period is represented by the collections taken during the 1960s by L.I. Korovin and B.S. Losin, who were members of the Union of Journalists; by the photographs of L.L. Zivert; and by the pictures of architectural ensembles in Leningrad and its suburbs takenfrom a helicopter by V.P. Samoilov. There is also a collection of negatives devoted to theatrical life in the city of Leningrad between the 1950s and the 1970s. In recent years the holdings have been enlarged by negatives showing the political and business life of contemporary St. Petersburg.

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