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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-200

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi muzei istorii Sankt-Peterburga (GMI SPb)

Nauchno-tekhnicheskii arkhiv Shlissel'burgskoi kreposti (“Oreshek”)
[Scientific-Technical Archive of Shlissel'burg Fortress (Oreshek [Little Nut])]

Address: Leningrad Oblast, Shlissel'burg, o. Orekhovyi

Telephone: +7 812 230-64-31, +7 812 951-91-32

Website: http://www.spbmuseum.ru/themuseum/mus...

Opening hours: 1 May–31 October: Su–Sa 10:00–17:00


Total: ca. 5,000 units; 17th–20th cc.

The Shlissel'burg (German, Schlüsselburg) Fortress (“Oreshek”—or Little Nut), located at the mouth of the Neva River on Lake Ladoga (Leningrad Oblast, g. Shlissel'burg, see above), is now administratively considered an Exhibition of GMI SPb, but its Scientific-Technical Archive is held in the main administrative center of GMI SPb, separately from the other parts of the main museum archive. There is considerable documentation on the history of the fortress, its role in military and political history, including the period it was held by Sweden as Nöteborg, 1611–1702, and its use as a political prison from the eighteenth century to 1917. There are many graphic materials relating to the building of the fortress and its restoration from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries.
        There are also photographs, technical drawings, sketches, and copies of plans held in other repositories, such as RGADA (B–2), RGVIA (B–4), the Manuscript Division of BAN (G–16), and the Royal Archives (Riksarkiviket)in Stockholm.
        The archive retains manuscripts of writings by the museum staff, reports on architectural and archeological work, materials relating to the general plan for restoration of the fortress, and documents showing designs for the restoration of the walls, towers, bastions, historic buildings, and engineering installations within the fortress.

Reference facilities:
There are inventories of photographs and other pictorial material.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted