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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-16

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga (TsGIA SPb)


Total: 1,984 fonds, 1,896,225 units, late 18th c.–1917 (some documents 1712–1731)
MS books—39 units; institutional fonds—1,970 (1,374,119 units); personal papers—101 fonds (9,289 units); scientific-technical documentation—100,039 units; personnel records—400,094 units

The list of all fonds and opisi in the archive is available on the TsGIA SPb website at: https://spbarchives.ru/infres/-/archi....
        The archive holds the records of local government and administration, courts and police, organizations for military and peasant affairs, land and estates, manufacturing, construction, trade, and commerce, transportation and communications, fiscal and statistical agencies, religious, educational, scientific, and medical institutions, along with other records of the public and private sectors of the city and guberniia of St. Petersburg during the prerevolutionary period.
        Administrative records of St. Petersburg Guberniia include those of the Chancellery of the Governor of Petrograd, the St. Petersburg Guberniia Administration, the Military Governor-General, and the Chancellery of the St. Petersburg Chief of Police. Of importance for the economy and organizations in the countryside are the St. Petersburg Guberniia and District Administrations for Peasant Affairs and land-survey commissions and administrations.
        Municipal records include fonds of the St. Petersburg City Duma, the Petersburg City Government (Uprava), the Chancellery of the Chief Municipal Officer (Gradonachal'nik), the Assembly of Deputies of the Gentry, district Marshals of the Nobility, and those of local government offices (zemskiie upravy).
        Manufacturing and industrial records include those of the Admiralty Shipyard, the Arsenal Machine Tools Factory, the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Factory, and the Putilov Factory.
        Science and education are reflected in fonds of St. Petersburg University, the Alexander Lyceum, the Law School, the Archeological Institute, the Main Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Mining, the Polytechnic Institute, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Conservatory, Higher Courses for Women (Bestuzhev Courses), other technical and medical institutes, and other institutions of higher education. The archive also retains fonds of the Russian Music Society, the Petrograd Society of Architects, the Petrograd Slavic Charitable Society, the Petersburg Guberniia Archival Commission, the Countess S.V. Panina Ligovskii House of the People (Ligovskii narodnyi dom), along with records of other charitable, artistic, literary, historical, and ethnographic societies, including those of Jewish orientation; and newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses.
        Among records of religious institutions are fonds of the Petersburg Ecclesiastical Consistory (Dukhovnaia konsistoriia), the Petersburg Diocesan Council (Eparkhial'nyi sovet), religious educational institutions, monasteries, cathedrals, churches, and synagogues. These include edicts of the Holy Synod, the Lutheran Consistory, the Decanate of the Roman Catholic Church, reports on the state of the St. Petersburg diocese, visitation protocols, parish registers, and other documentation.
        Fonds of personal provenance include the personal papers of the neuropathologist V.M. Bekhterev, the rector of St. Petersburg University M.I. Vladislavlev; professor of theology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy N.N. Glubokovskii, physician and teacher P.F. Lesgaft, Father Ioann of Kronshtadt (I.I. Sergiev), and criminologist Professor N.S. Tagantsev, among others.
        The archive retains collections of drafts and documents, including a collection of the imperial edicts addressed to the Military Governors-General of St. Petersburg, and the documentary collections from the Pavlovsk Palace-Museum and the former Museum of Revolution in Leningrad.
        The archive holds rich collections of maps, city plans, and other documents relating to city planning, including architectural drafts of public and private buildings, theaters, and public monuments.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted